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1300 862 432Within this area we can do the following Inspections;
With the Property sales on the rise, we have noticed some busy activity with buyers showing a keen interested within South East Queensland. Based in Burleigh Heads our Building and Pest Inspection Gold Coast Teams carry a wealth of local knowledge and experience. Backed by State-of-the-Art Equipment we can offer one of the most thorough reports on the market.
Each of our Teams carry the following equipment;
It’s the classic saying that two heads are better than one and with Building and Pest Inspections it’s a great asset. On the Gold Coast both Building and Pest Inspectors complete their 200 point checklist and alert each other to possible problem areas. This helps to ensure that nothing in missed. Then at the end of the Building and Pest Inspection each Inspector will verbally go through all areas of concern and answer all your questions.
After the inspection you will receive your digital reports within 4 hours. This is perfect for people who find a house last minute which is going to auction that weekend (More common than you think!). You will receive a Building Inspection Report and a Timber Pest Inspection Report. All areas of concern are explained and photos are included. You also get access to each Inspectors mobiles so if you need more clarification after the inspection then you can simply call them.
Most Australian homes have been subject to some sort of Termite activity which could be past, present or future (conducive). If active Termites are found we can treat the current infestation with Termidor (Termite Treatment) and then further protect your house with a Termite Management System (Termite Barrier). So if there is currently or has been termites in the property then don’t fret! it’s not always a walk away.
Our Building and Pest Inspection Gold Coast Team offer one of the most thorough House Inspections on the market. If you are purchasing a property then buy with confidence and use Sound Building Inspections. Call 1300 TOCHECK (1300862432)or use our Online Quote Form.
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